DNA is the instruction manual to make us.

(DNA is an abbreviation for the very thing that makes up strands of DNA: deoxyribo nucleic acid)


        (Picture: Wikipedia Commons)

Here are some DNA information statistics,

• It is the most complex molecule in the Universe.
• Average person has 50 million cells in their body
• There are 46 chromosome strands in every cell
• The total DNA from these cells would only fill about two tablespoons
• If one person's DNA strands were joined together it would reach to the moon and back some 550,000 times
• DNA holds more information than all computer programmes ever written by man combined
• “IBM models its newest…computers…after DNA.The quantity of information is so vast we have to invent new numbers to  measure it: not just terabytes (a trillion bits of genetic data) but petabytes (equivalent to half the contents of all academic libraries in America) exabytes, yottabytes and zetabytes. All the words ever uttered by everyone who ever lived would about to five exabytes” - Time Feb-2003
• If you typed out the code found in your DNA you would have enough books to fill the Grand Canyon 78 times.
• From conception until birth the baby adds 15,000 cells per minute to its body. Each cell is more complex than a space shuttle.
• The probability of just one DNA arranging itself by chance has been calculated to be 1 chance in 10 to the power of 119,000. The entire visible universes is 10 to the power of 28 inches.

Penicillin has 2 chromosomes
Fruit fly has 8
Tomato and housefly have 12
Peas have 14
Honey bee 16
Lettuce 18
Carrot 20
Marijuana and corn have 20
Opossum, Redwood tree and a kidney bean have 22
A frog has 26
An onion and an alligator have 32
Cat has 38
Soybean 40
Wheat 42
Tobacco has 48
Chimp 48
Amoeba 50
Dog and a chicken have 78
Turkey 82
Sweet potato 90
Carp 100
White Ash 138
Fern 480


'If amphibians evolved before mammals, why do some amphibians have 5 times more DNA than mammals and some amoebae have 1000 times more DNA?' (Scientific American, Oct 2004, p 62)


“..the really significant finding that comes to light from comparing the proteins’ amino acid sequences is that it is impossible to arrange them in any sort of evolutionary series …there is little doubt that if this molecular evidence had been available a century ago…the idea of organic evolution might never have been accepted” (Michael Denton, Evolution in Crisis 1985 pp 289-291)

All living things make proteins from the same 20 kinds of amino acids.
This means that a cow can eat grass, we can eat the cow, and drink the milk or eat the butter and cheese.


[Overall source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1dqC_VmqeU]