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Mark Masonry  

and the Royal Ark Mariners Degree

The Mark Master degree is almost certainly of more recent origin than the basic blue degrees and Royal Arch. 

The legend of the Mark Master Degree is enacted as follows..

Mark Masons correspond to the 'Menatschim' or the 'Overseers' who superintend and marked with their approval, the stones brought to them by the Fellow Craft Masons at the building of the temple. 

Every week these overseers would wait upon Hiram Abiff to receive their plans and instructions for the work; 

On one occasion though the plans were lost, but an ingenious and intelligent 
Fellow Craftsman either having seen the complete plan or else forming a good idea of it from the nature of the work, perceived that a stone of a peculiar shape was required to finish the design. 

After spending much time and labour he completed such a stone, put his mark on it, and brought it to the overseers. 

As this stone was neither oblong nor square, and as no place was found for it in the imperfect working plans it was ordered to be thrown away amongst the rubbish. 

Later on however, work was held up because the keystone of the arch was missing. Hiram Abiff remembered drawing up the design for such a stone, but the overseers had no recollection of having seen any such plans. 

Finally the overseer at the quarries remembered that such a stone had been brought to him, and that he had ordered it to be thrown away. Diligent search was made for it, and it was finally found in perfect condition. 

The Fellow Craftsman who had shaped it was rewarded with promotion to the degree of Mark Master.

The password to the degree is 'Joppa'. 

The words are 'Mark well' (from Ezekiel 44:5) but the ancient word 'Keb Raioth' or, more rarely, 'Kyrock' (Companions of the Mark) is also given. 

The semi secret motto, which appears on the keystone jewel of the degree, is represented by the letters H.T.W.S.S.T.K.S (Hiram Tyrian Widow's Son Sent To King Solomon) 

God is entitled in this degree as the 'Great Overseer of the Universe' 

Each Mark Master chooses his mark, which is duly registered in his name.

This leads (almost as a completion of the degree) on to the Royal Ark Mariner Degree, which commemorates the salvation of the human race through Noah and the Ark. 


There are five additional degrees available to those who have taken the Mark Master degree..

  1. St.Lawrence the Martyr
  2. The Knights of Constantinople
  3. The Grand Tyler of King Solomon
  4. The Red Cross of Babylon
  5. The Grand High Priest


The Orders of Knights Templar and St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta (this second order being usually  known simply as the Knights of Malta) are controlled by the Great Priory, which operates from Mark Masons Hall. 



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